Why and How to Celebrate the ADA Anniversary in a “Small” Year

Americans with Disabilities Act being signed into law in 1990

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was a game changer for people with disabilities. On July 26 we celebrate the 31st Anniversary of the ADA being signed into law.

While 31 years isn’t a milestone anniversary, we celebrate birthdays and anniversaries every year. We don’t skip the odd years in favor of the milestones because every year adds new experiences, wisdom, and progress.

July 26th marks one more year of voluntary compliance that allows people with disabilities access to buildings, programs and services, employment opportunities and more. This year marked significant advancement in representation. We saw more people with disabilities than ever before in books, streaming media and on the big and small screens.

As the 31st anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act approaches, we encourage you to take a moment and mark the anniversary. Whether you celebrate, learn more, take action, or look back and remember, we all should mark the occasion and appreciate it every year.

Here are some ideas to get you started.

Resources from our Blog

Enjoy your 31st Anniversary celebration. We’ll celebrate together again next year.